
I’m Aditya Rawat.

I am a full-stack developer, software engineer, and researcher creating anything from small hackathon projects to complex, full-fledged applications. This summer, I will be working as a software engineering intern atFidelity Investments. I am currently an undergraduate student at theUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison actively pursuing a future in computer and data science.

Picture of Aditya Rawat

Projects / Work

Fidelity Investments Logo

Fidelity Investments

Incoming Software Engineering Intern for the summer of 2024 at the Durham, NC corporate office.

Kamunity.io Logo


A platform that brings like-minded people together, to learn from one another, and enhance their financial fulfillment

Sigmoid Hacks 1.0 Logo

Sigmoid Hacks 1.0

Machine Learning doesn’t have to be just another buzz word, make it real with Sigmoid Hacks!

Want to work together?

I am always ecstatic for new opportunities to learn, grow, and expand my skillset

© Aditya Rawat 2024